BACKEND/WORDPRESS ACCESS Local-Good Administrator: Have access to all stores and products Vendor Administrators: Have full access to their…
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Search the entire document for keywords. Use your keyboard Ctrl + F…
A big part of our marketing efforts lie in our social media accounts. LocalGood is active on Instagram,…
One of the most beautiful things about the art world is the connections we make with other creatives.…
On the website, you can make posts to show off your work or advertise any upcoming events you…
Access your Dashboard quickly and easily to see a summary of your sale data at a glance. This…
Use the Orders tab to review customer requests and set the fulfillment status. Click on the Order Number…
When a customer makes a purchase from your shop, you’ll receive an email to the address provided. It…
Once products are created, you can view item details, approval status and more from the All products tab.…